Posts Tagged ‘cabbage’

birthday bushel

February 1, 2010

This post is about the crab feast I threw! After a whole lot of description of mine you’ll find some good instructions on how to have yours. Which is the purpose. Because have one you should.

I’m not sure I’m ready to write about this yet because I swear I still smell like Old Bay. But I also can’t wait because it was really exciting, and I have lots to say! On Monday I cooked a bushel of crabs to celebrate Dan and Claire’s birthdays. A BUSHEL of crabs. Okay, this post really starts a few weeks ago when Sami, Emily, our forager friend Annie, and I trekked to the Hunts Point Fulton Fish Market in the wee hours. When I saw a bushel basket full of #2s I almost felt the summer creeping in. I thought about Dan, because he’s like a kid in a candy store when it comes to crabs, except he pairs his treat with more than a few cans of beer. The man working the stall gave me a good price, a wink, and his card. M Slavin & Sons, originally a Brooklyn-based fish purveyor, is now a global wholesale brand, and he guaranteed I could call anytime for a similar price and local delivery. So I called for the first occasion that presented itself: a birthday feast for two very important seafood loving people!
